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God speaks when his Word is proclaimed. When we sit under the preaching of God’s Word, we are not merely learning new information; we are encountering the living God. We usually work through books of the Bible systematically. Every week, we expound and apply a passage of the Bible to show Christ. 

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Our Compassionate Lord  
Luke 7:11-17

In this story that is unique to Luke's Gospel, Jesus Christ raised up the dead son of a widow. Despite the widow coming to the end of herself, Jesus did not turn away from her, which is what the society of her day would do. Jesus saw her sorrows and showed her sheer compassion by bringing her son back to life. Through this, we see that Jesus is no mere prophet or healer, but the Lord God who has come to redeem His people and is deserving of all praise.

Our Compassionate Lord - Joel Sim
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A Faith Jesus Commends ((Luke 7:1-9:50)

In the last 2 sermon series on Luke, we have seen Jesus as the Saviour like no other (Luke 1:1-4:13), and the One who speaks with God’s (Luke 4:14-6:49). As Luke continues the record of Jesus’ ministry, we see people coming to believe and trust in Him. Through miracles, encounters and teachings, Jesus shows us that He has power over sickness, death, sin and nature making him a trustworthy Saviour. This section of Luke emphasises Jesus’ compassion, divine authority, and the call to follow Him in faith.

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