Joseph: Meant for Good
Genesis 37-50
27 December 2020
By Faith, Not by Sight
Genesis 48-50
by Joel Sim
In the final chapters of Genesis and the final moments of Jacob and Joseph's lives, we see that they trusted in God's promises and firmly believed that He will lead His people into the Promised Land. Though the book of Genesis ends with death, yet death will not have the last word. Death will be conquered by the promised Messiah from the line of Judah, and his reign shall have no end.
20 December 2020
The Last Lap
Genesis 46-47
by Tan Huai Tze
In the last year's of Jacob's life, God shows us that he is not done with him yet. Though he is old and frail, he still has a significant contribution to the work God is doing. Jacob hears God, and obeys in going to Egypt. There, he is reunited with Joseph, and helps his sons establish themselves in Egypt. In all this, he anchors his hope in God's covenant promises.
13 December 2020
The Family Reunion
Genesis 42-45
by Tan Huai Tze
Joseph is now in power in Egypt, but he is estranged from his family. How will God bring about reconciling them? Through the famine crisis, God works on the hearts of Joseph's brothers, Joseph and even Jacob his father to bring them to a place where they are changed, and where they can forgive one another from the heart. At the heart of the story is the self-sacrifice of Judah. At the heart of our story is the self-sacrifice of Jesus, who reconciles us to God. In so doing, he enables us to reconcile with others.
6 December 2020
Dreams of Greatness
Genesis 40-41
by Tan Huai Tze
Joseph moves from the prison to the palace, from being a prisoner to being the Prime Minister of Egypt. God’s undeserved favour was on him. And because of that Joseph could be faithful to God, and fruitful in his service of others.
29 November 2020
God Is With Us
Genesis 39
by Joel Sim
In Genesis 39, we see the beginning of Joseph's life in Egypt. Though it is important for us to flee from temptation, but the main point of this story is to emphasize how the LORD God was with Joseph in every high and stormy gale. God's presence is seen climactically in Jesus Christ, who is Immanuel ('God with us'), and He promises to be with us till the end of the age.
22 November 2020
Sinner, Interrupted
Genesis 38
by Tan Huai Tze
Through the sordid tale of Judah and Tamar, God shows us how he redeems and changes sinful people who cannot and will not save themselves.
15 November 2020
Greatness, Interrupted
Genesis 37
by Tan Huai Tze
Joseph was called by God to eventually assume a key role in the nation of Egypt. There, he would help preserve his family, prosper his nation and move forward God’s plan to save the world. But his path to greatness would involve despair, a despair through which God would form his character.