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A Preserved People


26 December 2021
Don't Forget to Remember
Esther 9:20-10:3
by Joel Sim

With the defeat of their enemies, God's people could finally celebrate. The festival of Purim serves to remind the Jews of the relief which they had from their enemies, and they are to celebrate it in every generation so that they may recall what God has done for them. However, the fact that much remained unchanged leads us to reconsider the situation for the Jews. In the end, this points forward to their need of a greater Mordecai who will reign as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Don't Forget to Remember - Joel Sim
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19 December 2021
The King's Justice
Esther 9:1-19
by Tan Huai Tze

Passages like Esther 9 remind us that God is a God of justice. His justice is fair and full. Ultimately, there will be no miscarriage of justice in the universe. However, because we have all rebelled against God in our sin, our only hope of escaping the judgment of God is to trust in Jesus who endured the fair and full justice of God on our behalf. Only then can we be truly free from sin and judgement.

The King's Justice - Tan Huai Tze
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5 December 2021
It Ain't Over Till It's Over 
Esther 8
by Joel Sim

Despite the fact that Haman has met his doom, danger was still lurking for the Jews. Haman's edict of death was still hanging over their heads. In order for God's people to attain safety, a complete reversal was still required. This involved the Jews resisting their enemies, as given in a new edict, before they're able to rejoice and celebrate. 

It Ain't Over Till It's Over - Joel Sim
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28 November 2021
Man’s Free Will & God’s Sovereignty 
Esther 7:1-10
by Joseph Tern

In our study of Esther 7, we shall have a glimpse of the amazing mystery of how Man’s free will can be reconciled with God’s sovereignty. Although God may not be seen or heard in this chapter or for that matter, the entire book of Esther, all things work together towards achieving God’s ultimate purpose for the world. That is, salvation and preservation of His people through Jesus Christ; and death and destruction of evil and sinners as the full force of God’s wrath and justice is meted out.

Man’s Free Will & God’s Sovereignty - Joseph Tern
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21 November 2021
The Turning Point
Esther 6
by Aaron Akins

In Esther 6, God's providence is shown in dramatic fashion as Haman, who wants Mordecai to be killed, instead is commanded to honour Mordecai with the very honours he sought for himself.

The Turning Point - Aaron Akins
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14 November 2021
Tale of Three Royals
Esther 5
by Wong Yann

In Esther chapter 5, the plans and behaviour of Queen Esther is contrasted to the plans and behaviour of Haman. What does this comparison tell us about ourselves and Jesus Christ?

Tale of Three Royals - Wong Yann
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7 November 2021
The King's Call
Esther 4
by Tan Huai Tze

One of the primary ways we become a faithful and prophetic presence in society is through our vocation, that is God's calling on our lives. Esther had "come to the kingdom for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14). But, to discover that, she had to first identify with the distress of her people, wrestle with the dilemma of what to do, but finally decide to obey God. We have a true and better Esther who identified with our distress, wrestled through the dilemma of "let this cup pass from me", but ultimately decided to say "not as I will, but as you will" (Matthew 26:39). Only through him can we answer the King's call on our lives.

The King's Call - Tan Huai Tze
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31 October 2021
A Faithful Presence
Esther 2:19-3:15
by Tan Huai Tze

Mordecai's service in the courts of King Ahasuerus gives us a case study for what it might look like for God's people to engage the culture they are in. He shows us that we need a posture of service, the courage to stand, the willingness to suffer and the knowledge that we are secure to engage well. Ultimately, only the Jesus who served us, stood for us and suffered for us can give us the security we need to engage faithfully and prophetically in the world.

A Faithful Presence - Tan Huai Tze
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24 October 2021
The Triumph of Beauty
Esther 2:1-18
by Joel Sim

The introduction of the protagonists, Mordecai and Esther, helps us to see that the Jews were in a place of exile. They were people that were characterised by weakness under the regime of king Ahasuerus. Yet, there is hope that comes in the form of Esther's ascendancy to the queen's seat. Her position of glory is the means through which God delivers and preserves His people.

The Triumph of Beauty - Joel Sim
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17 October 2021
The King's Power
Esther 1
by Tan Huai Tze

The Jewish people were a small minority at the hands of the powerful and cruel King Ahasuerus. Though he is formidable, we see that his power is contestable and subsumable into the power of a greater, better or more noble power: God is orchestrating history to preserve his people and bring his true king, Jesus Christ into the world.

The King's Power - Tan Huai Tze
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If you would like to visit One Covenant Church on Sundays, 10:15am, here are some useful information on where we are and how you could find us:


Auditorium (3rd Floor) of Marina One West Tower

9 Straits View, Marina One, Singapore 018937


For those driving,
1. Enter the Marina One Retail Parking on the left.
2. Park at B3 at the Blue Zone, West Tower, where ‘The Heart’ is
3. Take the Retail Lifts at ‘The Heart’ up to 3rd Floor


From Downtown station, via Exit E

From Marina Bay station, via Exit B

From Shenton Way station, via Exit 5

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