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A Praying People

Matthew 6:9-13

27 June 2021
Matthew 6:13
by Tan Huai Tze

In the last petition in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us that we face a formidable foe. He is the evil one, Satan. We cannot defeat him alone. We need to cry out to God for help to resist temptation. God then leads us into his ways.

Aspiring - Tan Huai Tze
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13 June 2021
Matthew 6:12,14-15
by Tan Huai Tze

In praying "forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors", Jesus teaches us that the forgiven will forgive, while the unforgiven do not forgive. By coming clean before God in repentance, we are forgiven and enabled to forgive those who have hurt us. In so doing, our hearts become truly free.

Admitting - Tan Huai Tze
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6 June 2021
Matthew 6:11
by Tan Huai Tze

Jesus teaches us to ask God for not just for our own needs, but the needs of others. In so doing, we grow in a responsible dependence on God, benevolence of heart and action, and confidence in God's provision for all our needs.

Asking - Tan Huai Tze
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30 May 2021
Matthew 6:10
by Joel Sim

In two, interrelated petitions, Jesus reminds us of God's sovereignty over all things. He shall establish His eternal kingdom and accomplish His sovereign will. In light of His sovereignty, believers are called to submit to His lordship, which is only possible because we have been redeemed in Christ. God is pleased, then, to include and send His people out as they take part in His kingdom advancing work.

Advancing - Joel Sim
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23 May 2021
Matthew 6:9b
by Tan Huai Tze

In the second phrase of the Lord's prayer, "Hallowed be your name", Jesus teaches us to adore God for ourselves and pray that others might adore him too. To do this, we need to know God for who he is, praise God from our hearts, and ask that others might come to acknowledge and highly esteem him too.

Adoring - Tan Huai Tze
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16 May 2021
Matthew 6:9a
by Tan Huai Tze

In the first phrase of the Lord’s Prayer, ‘Our Father in heaven’, Jesus teaches us to come to God with the broad agenda of his Kingdom, as sons and daughters of God by adoption, and with great boldness because of his power.

Approaching - Tan Huai Tze
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